
beets & noodz is a blog that spotlights musicians affiliated with Columbia University. Straddling the worlds of both Columbia and NYC, they bring unique perspectives on growing one’s musicianship while simultaneously pursuing intense academic interests. There are so many wonderful, talented musicians on our campus with fascinating stories to tell!

b & n also hopes to create a space of musician support and collaboration. Want to spread the word about an upcoming performance? Looking for musicians to join your ensemble, or collaborators on upcoming projects? Head over to upcoming events, opportunities, and connect.

who we are


Jordan Lee (CC ‘ 18) is a senior at Columbia University double majoring in twentieth-century American history and computer science. At Columbia, she plays violin in the Music Performance Program (MPP), Columbia University Orchestra, and several pit orchestras. She programs radio shows at WKCR-FM for the classical music department and serves as Marketing Director for Columbia Classical Performers. Recently she went on tour with experimental pop act tina-hanaé. She also enjoys promoting her older sister, Shannon Lee (CC ’13), who is an incredibly talented violinist!!!

DSC_4187Cindy Liu (CC ’18) is pursuing a double major in English Literature and Sociology with concentrations in Eating Like a Queen and Being Outspoken. She enjoys releasing her feelings on the piano regularly and slurping noodz. On campus, she has served as co-president of Columbia Classical Performers, student liaison for the MPP, co-founder of the Intercollegiate Chamber Music Festival, and co-leader of the formal petition for proprietary music performance space at Columbia. When she’s not annihilating the patriarchy, sipping beverages in the West Village, or reading James Baldwin, Cindy can be found researching the Russian composer Sergei Prokofiev.

adrianPicThank you to Adrian Traviezo (CC ’18) for helping us with videography!

Adrian is majoring in Computer Science, even though he is more passionate about dogs, human interaction, and sultry noodz. While he is currently suffering from a lack of accessible drum sets on campus, he gets his creative fill by occasionally jamming with friends and working with graphics that highlight the interplay between music and video. He enjoys consuming or creating art in his free time, and is a bedroom producer who is always down to collaborate.

the name

beets & noodz celebrates two of our favorite things: Beethoven and noodles. Can also be interpreted as “beats&nudes,” our edgy alter-ego.  Thank you to Kevin Lee for creating our snazzy logo ft. Beethoven’s “Spring” sonata!


say hello

We would love to hear from you! Click the hashtag to email us: #sendnoodz
OR fill out our CONTACT form!